The Mendelssohn Association was founded by pianist Roberto Prosseda in April 2009, in collaboration with Alessandra Ammara, Aldo Bernardini, Ingrid Sattel, Tina Messineo and Giovanni Scoz, as a natural continuation of his many years of activity in rediscovering and recording unpublished Mendelssohn works, which until then had been carried out exclusively on his own.
The Mendelssohn Association aims, therefore, to continue and develop the contacts and projects of research and enhancement of Felix Mendelssohn's production already initiated by Roberto Prosseda and, at the same time, to carry out new initiatives, also by accepting proposals from members and external persons and institutions. For this purpose, a scientific committee was appointed consisting of Bruno Cagli, Hans Fazzari, Raoul Meloncelli, Charles Rosen, Peter Ward Jones and Pietro Zappalà .
The research work of the Mendelssohn Association will be carried out in the light of the constant scientific updating gained from the frequent comparison and exchange of experiences with the most authoritative Mendelssohn experts. The honorary presidency of Riccardo Chailly is a further sign of the esteem and trust that the Mendelssohn Association has immediately earned in the international music scene.
Concorso internazionale di composizione "Michele Novaro"
TV and DVD productions
CD Productions